Radboud University Medical Center
Radboud University Medical Center
Human Genetics
Geert Grooteplein Zuid 10
6525 GA, Nijmegen

Barbara Franke, PhD
Professor of Molecular Psychiatry
Phone: +31 (0)24 361 018 1
Fax: +31 (0)24 366 875 2
The Human Genetics department of Radboud University Medical Center (Radboudumc), with over 430 employees, is an internationally top-ranked department and the largest genetics research, clinical diagnostics, and genetic counseling center in Europe. Research is performed by 26 Principal Investigator groups, with genetic/genomic neuroscience as one of the most important research focuses. The neuroscience work of the Human Genetics department is embedded in the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour (DI), a world-renowned neuroscience institute. Over 600 researchers work at the Donders Institute on unravelling the mechanisms underlying brain function in health and disease, including expertise in neurodevelopmental and neurodegeneration-related brain disorders. The Radboudumc and DI team includes world-class researchers and opinion leaders in the field of human molecular genetics and imaging. Among those, Professor Barbara Franke (Departments of Human Genetics & Psychiatry) is a renowned expert in the biological underpinnings of psychiatric disorders. Her research focus lies on gene-finding as well as the evaluation of gene-to-disease biological pathways through imaging genetics, animal models, and bioinformatic modelling. As a professor of Molecular Psychiatry, she has appointments at the Human Genetics department as well as the Psychiatry department of RUMC, which provides her with a close view on the evaluation and implementation of new treatments into clinical practice.
In PRISM 2, Radboudumc contributes to WP2 – Data management, sustainability, and analysis.