Leiden University Medical Center
Leiden University Medical Center
Department of Psychiatry
Albinusdreef 2
2333 ZA Leiden

Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) is a modern academic center for research, education and patient care with a high profile and a strong scientific and international reputation. It’s unique research practice, ranging from pure fundamental medical research to applied clinical research, places LUMC among world leaders. The intensive collaboration between LUMC, Leiden University, and the large Leiden Bio Science Park, with amongst others the Center for Human Drug Research (CHDR), creates unique possibilities for medical innovation.
The LUMC Department of Psychiatry was also a partner in PRISM. We have specialized inpatient and outpatient clinics for mood, anxiety, OCS spectrum- and neuropsychiatric disorders, as well as clinical and experimental research units. Our research focuses on the treatment, phenomenology,f and neurobiology of disorders of affective disorders and their course and development over the lifespan. Our research program is embedded in the LUMC Neuroscience theme and the Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition (LIBC).
Our department and our close collaborators have ample experience in conducting clinical studies as well as cohort studies with extensive phenotypical and neurobiological assessments. This fits well with the main tasks foreseen for the LUMC Psychiatry team in the PRISM 2 proposal. We will recruit and extensively phenotype patients with MDD, AD, and SX. We will be involved in the development of the clinical and experimental protocols and data analyses.