The responsibility for project management in PRISM 2 lies primarily with the Coordinator. RUG has longstanding experience and provides adequate staffing resources for the management of large-scale research projects. BI acts as the project leader, and is responsible for overall scientific and action related governance. VUMC is further joining the COOR-team and concentris, a German SME, that is specialized in the management of H2020 and IMI2 (and previously FP7 and IMI1) research projects in the “HEALTH” area. The coordinator, the project leader and concentris together form the project management office (PMO) (see 3.2). The project management office at concentris is the first point of reference for beneficiaries involved in PRISM 2. The Coordinator (RUG) will be responsible for the tasks defined in the IMI Grant agreement and PRISM 2 Consortium Agreement and represents the Consortium vis-à-vis for the IMI JU. It is their responsibility to: monitor that the project is implemented properly, act as the intermediary for all communications between the beneficiaries and the JU); request and review any documents or information required by the JU and verify their completeness and correctness before passing them on to IMI, submit the deliverables and reports to IMI in accordance with the timing and conditions set out in the GA; receive payments from IMI and to ensure that all payments are made to the other beneficiaries without unjustified delay; inform IMI of the amounts paid to each beneficiary, when required under the Agreement or requested by the JU, provide any information relevant to checks, reviews and audits or the evaluation of impact, submit any required ethical documents to IMI.